Monday, 20 August 2012

Human computer interface(HCI) important and interview questions

Q.1. Answer any four:
    a) Explain any two golden rules of User Interface Design.
    b) What is hyper media and hypertext?
    c) List and explain different types of expert reviews.
    d) What do you mean by information visualization?
    e) Explain different types of menus.
Q.2. a) Describe the five Measurable human factors.
     b) Describe two important differences between STM - Short Term Memory and LTM - Long Term Memory.
Q.3. a) Explain three pillars of design.
     b) Explain design guidelines for form-fill-in and dialog boxes.
Q.4. Explain Object - Action Interface Model.
Q.5. Explain with example  computer supported co-operative work.
Q.6. Explain six types tasks where pointing devices are application. Explain direct and indirect control pointing devices.
Q.7. Write short notes on (any two )
    a) LUCID methodology
    b) Social and individual impact of user interface
    c) Online manuals
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