Monday, 20 August 2012

Design And Analysis of Algorithms | chapters | Topics

Design And Analysis of Algorithms |  chapters | Topics

Introduction Design And Analysis of Algorithms
  • Algorithm, analysis, time complexity .
  • space complexity, O-notation, Omega.
  • Notation and Theta notation, Heaps .
  • Heap sort, Sets and disjoint set, union .
  • Find algorithms. Sorting in linear time.
CHAPTER 2) Divide And Conquer
  1. Divide and Conquer:
  2. Exponentiation.
  3. How to do Binary Search,
  4. program for Quick Sort
  5. and Merge Sort.
CHAPTER 3) Greedy Method
  1. algorithms related to Knapsack problem, Job
  2. sequencing with Deadlines, Optimal merge
  3. patterns, examples about Minimal Spanning Trees and
  4. Dijkstra’s algorithm.
CHAPTER 4) Dynamic Programming
  1. Multistage graphs,  brief explanation about OBST,
  2. 0/1 Knapsack problem , Traveling Salesperson
  3. Problem with example ,what is  Flow Shop Scheduling
CHAPTER 5) Backtracking
  1. Queen’s
  2. problem, Graph Coloring with example, Hamiltonian
  3. Cycles, 0/1 Knapsack
CHAPTER 6 )Branch and Bound
  1. 0/1
  2. Knapsack, Traveling Salesperson Problem

  1. non-deterministics
  2. algorithms and examples, NP-HARD classes  and NP-COMPLETE
  3. classes, COOKS theorem with examples
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