Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Fetch all text box value into array

hi everyone in this article i have shown how to fetch text box value or words or characters and use it like array
means to fetch all value which has entered in text  box and then restore each single value into array.

what i did i just took text box value into string and  had count length of string will be max array length so there be
no index-out of range  error will be come.

then using for loop count length and store each single value into array.
here is code

string  stringarrayvalue=Txtmytextboxvalue.text
        int[] aarr=new int [Txtmytextboxvalue.Text.Length];

//or u can take         int[] aarr=new int [stringarrayvalue.Length]; both will work

        for (int i = 0; i < stringarrayvalue.Length; i++)

            aarr[i] =Convert.ToInt32(stringarrayvalue[i].ToString());

            Label lbli = new Label();

            lbli.Text = aarr[i].ToString();


// took dynamic lable to display value


this code is working fine.just copy and  paste  it .but label is dynamic u can take asp label.
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