Monday, 20 August 2012

Algorithm Questions | prim’s | Krushkal | Dijkstra’s

Data analysis and design important interview questions
  • control abstraction | divide and conquer strategy .
  • algorithm to search an element in a list using binary search technique
  • algorithm | Mergsort | complexity.
  • algorithm | Quicksort | complexity.
  • Show that merge takes a time in O(n log n) to sort n elements.
  • Use merge sort to the given array.
  • explain the control abstraction of the greedy method.
  • what Is greedy method .write an algorithm to solve knapsack problem using greedy method.
  • what is optimal merge pattern .write an algorithm to generate a two way merge pattern .
  • write the greedy algorithm for sequencing unit time jobs with deadline and profits.
  • find the minimum cost spanning tree using
  • prim’s algorithm
  • Krushkal’s algorithm
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm  example.
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