Sunday, 22 July 2012

importance of enclosing macro expansion wihtin parentheses

 importance of enclosing macro expansion wihtin parentheses

/* Program to illustrate the importance of enclosing macro expansion wihtin parentheses */

If we fail to enclose the entire macro expansion in the parentheses then we may get some unexpected results.

Consider the following program:

#define SQUARE(x) x*x //Macro definition without parentheses

int main()
int i;
return 0;

Here we expected that the output would be 3.

Lets see the actual output:
Shocked, the reason is that the above macro is expanded as:

Following the associativity rule (left to right) first 27/3 is solved which gives 9.
i.e. i=9*3;
So we get the out put as 27 not 3.

So how to write the macro for getting the correct out put.
Following program will illustrate you this thing.

#define SQUARE(x) (x*x) //Macro definition with parentheses

int main()
int i;

return 0;

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