Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Difference between Delete |Truncate | Drop in Sql server

in this article i am goig to show you what is difference between delete and truncate and
drop command.


Delete command mostly use for delete single row or multiple row or delete all the row in


take an examples ..
delete stud .
Will delete all rows in stud table.
now ,
delete from stud where condition..
will delete single or multiple record.
it is faster slower than truncate.
we can rollback .

Will delete all the data from table .
we can not specify where condition.
Faster than delete .
we can't rollback until we use transaction.
truncate table tablename

3-> drop

to delete the table also with data.
drop table tablename.
rollback but in transaction.

remember one thing once we committed we wont undo record or table in delete or truncate or

drop command.

begin tran

delete  fee
rollback tran

begin tran
delete from stud where id=104

drop table stud

delete will keep your identity as well.
second time entry will tale last id number where as in truncate that will start from 1.
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