Monday, 20 August 2012

dynamic programming | Knapsack problem | multistage graph principle of optimality interview question papers

dynamic programming  | Knapsack problem  | multistage graph  principle of optimality interview question papers
1.what is actual  dynamic programming ?
2. principle of optimality . to write  the multistage graph problem.
4.find the minimum cost path from “S” TO “T” in the multistage graph given below.
4.consider the following instance of 0/1 knapsack problem
N=3,M=6,P=(1,2,3), W=(2,3,4)
USING THE DYNAMIC programming determine the optimal profit & the solution vector. to write purging and merging rule in 0/1 Knapsack problem
6.explain how we can solve the  TSP problem by  using dynamic programming .

7.what is scheduling rule? can we used scheduling rule in Flow shop Scheduli
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