- Data structure Questions ans interview Questions
A graph is implemented by adjancency matrix of N nodes . Write non recursive algorithm for Breadth First Search.
Define connected graph.
How to Write short notes on expression tree.
How to Write a program to find the transpose of sparse matrix.
How to Write a program to merge two sorted circular singly linked list.
How to Write a program to convert infix expression to postfix expression.
Write a short notes on.
Threaded Binary tree.
B+ tree.
How to Write a algorithm for push and pop operation of stack.
How to Write a function to insert in a B tree.
How to Write a program for addition of two polynomial using linked list.
How to Write a program for sorting a given linked list using any sorting algorithm.
B* tree and explain its characteristics.
How to Write a function for left-right rotation.
How to Write a program for in-order traversal of a right-in threaded binary tree.
How to Write a program for Priority queue.
How to write a program for deletion of node from Binary Search Tree.
How to Write an algorithm for the addition of two sparse matrics using linked list.
Construct tree avl tree .
Function for Right-left rotation.Write a program for insert a node in right-in threaded binary tree.
Write a function to evaluate an expression from expression tee.
Different implementations of graph.
Write A short notes on Generalized linked list
Monday, 20 August 2012
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