Sunday, 19 August 2012

c program stringizing operator (#) | stringizing operator (#) examples | comments

/* stringizing operator (#) * with output/

In a macro definition if the formal argument occurs inside a string in the macro expansion, then it is not replaced by the actual argument.

For e.g.

#define SHOW(val) printf(“val=%d”,val);

When SHOW(x) will be called, its expansion would be printf(“val=%d”,x);

To overcome this problem Stringizing Operator(#) is used.

The argument it precedes is converted into a string. Following program will make its usage clear.

/* C Program to learn the use of stringizing operator (#) */


#define SHOW(var,format) printf(#var "= %" #format "\n",var);

int main()


int n=456;

float f=5.66;

char ch='$';

//calling stringizing operator for different datatypes and format





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