Monday, 11 March 2013

Factorial Number program source code | From 1 to n range |

  Factorial Number program source code | From 1 to n range |
In this program i have shown how to find factorial number of given range.
using for loop i have calculated factorial number from 1  to 5 .
But , we  can calculate factorial number from 1 to n using below given source code.
output is there.
same logic we  can apply in c language , also but difference is only of syntax will be changed.
rest logic will be same.

 protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)

        int sum = 1;
        int i = 5;

        for (int j = i; j > 0; )

            for (int k = 1; k <= j; )

                sum = sum * j;
            Response.Write("Factorial of " + i + "is" + "\t" + sum);
            j = i;
            sum = 1;


Factorial of 5 is 120
Factorial of 4 is 24
Factorial of 3 is 6
Factorial of 2 is 2
Factorial of 1 is 1
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