What is typecasting?
Converting one datatype into another data type is known as typecasting.
for example conversion of int to float and float to int , int to char and so on..
Basically there is two types of typecasting ..
1->Implicit typecasting
2->Explicit type casting
1:-Implicit typecasting -type casting done by system.
int a=10.8 float
now here float values is typecasted to int now a=10 and 0.8 is ignored
float b=25
integer value is typecasted to float b=15.0
Now let see invalid example of typecasting.
int a ="25"
char a[]=75;
there is no typecasting when string is involved.
2;>Explicit type casting .
type casting is done by programmer.
int a=9
int b=2
a/(float)b=9/2.0=4.5 variable a and b are type casted to float . they become 9.0 and 2.0 .
Their values continued to be 9 & 2 in rest of program.
/*How to write Program to illustrate use of typecasting*/
//main function
void main()
float a;
int x=6,y=4;
//Without typecasting x/y
printf("\n Value of a without typecasting =%f",a);
////After typecasting x/y to float
a=(float) x/y;
printf("\n Value of a after typecasting =%f",a);