Thursday, 6 December 2012

Palindrome program | logic | examples source code | c++

After reversing if  you are getting same  number it means you are reversing palindrome number.
to reverse the all digit and get same number is symbol of palindrome number.
Lets take examples
121  after reverse it  we will get 121. so we can say 121 is palindrome number.same is with 999=999.
12=21 not palindrome number .Have you seen mirror same functionality is working here.
But here is digit not your we are going to learn about palindrome number and execution.
we  can reverse string also like did=reverse(did)=did but i dont know about  words just think about digits .ok i think there is enough explanation now time is to do something real .
Let's concentrate to source code in c program.sorry about c language we are going to learn c++.everything is same in c just little about scanf and printf

How to write c++ palindrom number Program with source code

int pali(int);  // function name pali
void main()
int n,a;
cout<<"\n enter the number=";
cin>>n;  // accepting number from user
if(n==a)  // cheking after reversing number is same or not
cout<<"\n number is palindrom";  // yes it is
cout<<"\n number is not palindrom";  //no  it is not
int palindrom(int x) //
int r,sum=0;
while(x!=0) // till number will there
r=x%10; taking mode so we can get at least one number

sum=sum*10+r;   //addition
x/=10; //division
return(sum);//function calling

in  c or c++ do execution with your own .execution will give you correct logic and method to understand program logic.
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