Saturday, 22 December 2012

Difference between Hidden Field and Viewstate in | Vb.Net

In hidden field and Viewstate both manage memory management.
we can store value in hidden field and viewstate also.
now lets check the difference between both

1->Hidden Field is server control and Viewstate is variable .
2->Hidden field won't visible in browser same for Viewstate but if we will use hidden field ,
 we will get more extra encrypted code in view source whereas if we will use Viewstate we will not get that much of extra code.
3-><input type="hidden" id="hdn" runat="server">
To assign value  to hidden field .. use value property of hidden field
 hdn.Value="sometext" // assingning value  to hidden field
lablet.text=hdn.value   // storing value of hidden field into variable

For viewstate
Viewstate("storeval")="sometext" // assigning value into viewstate
string str=Viewstate("storeval")   //storing value of viewstate into variable
in c# syntax is different.

so in these way we can use hidden field and view state.
hidden field go to the server but Viewstate maintain  after postback whithout touching server.

I don't know whether we can store Datatable value in hidden field but its possible in Viewstate.

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